Food for thought

From Idea to Product

How do you find the holy grail? ✨🏆✨ Ok, we are neither magicians nor gods, but we are a highly qualified, highly efficient and highly motivated team and on a mission: With our services, we want to help other companies to use the advantages and opportunities of the digitization movement for themselves. ✔️ Sounds laborious, […]

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Keep the Harmony

We believe that harmony ✨ is one of the key elements in life. A balance between the different poles or perspectives. A balance between different goals. A balance between business and social impact. This approach allows us to develop sustainable, successful concepts for an increasingly complex world. We remain flexible in an infinite game. And

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We know that we need special skills and mindset besides the „classic“ professional skills to create wonderful, successful and sustainable digital solutions for our complex and beautiful world. 5 years ago the World Economic Forum stated that creativity will be one of the most required skills in 2020. Creativity will become one of the top

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Call for Optimism

We support and join #callforoptimism ✨ in a world of constant change, new challenges and unpredictability 🌍 Thank you Daniel for keeping the 48forward spirit during this difficult times 🙏 We really like the inspiring insights and ideas from all the speakers! Read more at

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Together for Future

Working together on a common goal releases enormous potential 💪 especially when it goes beyond company boundaries. It is comparable to many small babbling brooks 💧 that together form a raging river 🌊That’s how we want to work on the future, that’s how we want to live. Join us on our journey into the future!

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Co-Creation Mindset

We love working in diverse teams at eye level, because effective co-creation is the highest form of learning. The most creative way to develop sustainable solutions. It enables everyone who is open to this to learn through new perspectives, new ways of thinking and new experiences.The possibilities that arise are many times better than the

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No matter how fascinating and powerful, technology should always be used for a specific reason. We strongly believe in the harmony between #people, #nature and #technology. Only then can the solutions really support, connect and touch us deeply, while at the same time being sustainable and respecting our environment. 🌍 This is how we see

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